Karabakh will become the most beautiful region of the Caucasus!

Karabakh will become the most beautiful region of the Caucasus!

21 october 2023 0000

Haji Nuran Huseynov, TV presenter and public figure of Azerbaijan

- Having worked in the media for twenty-five years, I always enjoy participating in international exhibitions that are represented by local and foreign organizations. I would like to especially mention the Karabakh Revival Fund.

After the Patriotic War, I took part in the high-level government events organized in Karabakh. I have witnessed large-scale reconstruction activities in this region.

I have loved creative building sets since my childhood. Perhaps that is why the construction industry is of particular interest to me. For example, having seen a sports ground on a big exhibition screen, I want to see it with my own eyes after a while.

I do not agree with some people who think that exhibitions are a waste of time. Such events allow us to establish contacts with companies and private firms, present our products, introduce them to the world market, or become an official representative of international organizations in our country. By the way, not all companies in Azerbaijan know about each other. Awareness comes through exhibitions, which create a platform for meetings and discussions.